Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

Are Hidden Productivity Killers Draining Your Hotel's Revenue?

Written by Anders Johansson | 16 July 2024
This post will expose five common productivity killers plaguing hotel commercial departments and reveal the proven strategies to neutralize them. Understanding these issues and taking proactive steps to address them can unlock your team's full potential, drive substantial revenue gains, and boost your hotel's bottom line.
Let's explore how to transform your commercial department into a well-oiled revenue-generating machine. First, let's define productivity.

How to measure productivity

Productivity = Revenue / Number of Worked Hours
The productivity KPI gives us a quick snapshot of how much revenue the hotel generates per hour of work invested. You can measure any revenue source and divide it by the number of hours worked in a specific department. This blog post focuses on the commercial team that generates the total revenue. Calculate productivity by dividing total revenue by the number of hours worked by the commercial team.
Let's examine five productivity killers and the steps you can take to address them proactively. Empower your commercial team to work smarter, not harder, and unlock your hotel's full revenue potential.

Productivity Killer 1: Disconnected Systems and Data Silos – A Recipe for Revenue Disaster

In the digital age, hotel commercial departments are awash in data. Guest preferences, booking patterns, campaign performance – it's all there, scattered across a patchwork of systems and platforms. But when these systems don't talk to each other, it's like having a team of experts who refuse to collaborate.
Fragmented systems and data silos breed inefficiency in several ways:
  • Hindered Communication: Information gets trapped in individual departments. The marketing team might be running a flash sale, but the sales team is unaware and missing out on valuable upselling opportunities.
  • Redundant Work: Staff waste time manually transferring data between systems, increasing the risk of errors and creating unnecessary delays.
  • Missed Opportunities: Without a holistic view of guest data, personalizing offers, predicting demand trends, and identifying high-value segments are challenging.

Real-World Example: The Promotional Disconnect

Imagine this scenario: Your marketing team has crafted a compelling summer promotion targeting families. They've emailed loyal guests, launched social media ads, and even partnered with local attractions. Meanwhile, your sales team is busy fielding calls from potential guests, unaware of the special offer. They quote standard rates, missing the chance to entice families with the promotional package. The result? Lost revenue and a missed opportunity to delight guests.

The Solution: Integrated Systems – The Foundation for Productivity

Integration is the antidote to disconnected systems. Investing in a robust data warehouse that seamlessly extracts data from your Property Management System (PMS) and other internal and external systems will revolutionize the operation of your commercial departments.
Here's how integrated systems boost productivity:
  • Centralized Data: All information is stored in one place and accessible to all relevant departments. This single source of truth eliminates discrepancies and ensures everyone is working with the same data.
  • Streamlined Communication: Automated workflows trigger notifications and updates, ensuring all departments are in sync with the latest promotions, guest preferences, and booking trends.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: With a comprehensive view of data, your commercial team can make informed decisions about pricing, promotions, and marketing strategies, optimizing revenue generation.
By breaking down data silos and fostering seamless communication, integrated systems empower your commercial team to work smarter, not harder, and unlock the full potential of your guest data. The result? A more productive, profitable, and guest-centric hotel.

Productivity Killer 2: Manual, Repetitive Tasks – The Silent Revenue Thief

In the age of automation, hotel commercial departments should be strategic powerhouses, not data entry sweatshops. Yet, many teams must work on mind-numbing manual tasks that consume valuable time and resources. Think about the countless hours spent:
  • Manually entering reservation data or naming lists into spreadsheets
  • Generating reports by hand, cutting and pasting data from multiple sources
  • Crafting and sending individual emails to guests or potential clients
These tasks might seem small in isolation, but their cumulative impact is significant. They drain staff energy, stifle creativity, and leave little time for strategic initiatives that increase revenue.

Real-World Example: The Revenue Manager's Manual Maze

Consider a revenue manager who spends hours each day manually adjusting room rates based on occupancy forecasts. Often generated from outdated data, these forecasts lead to suboptimal pricing decisions. Rooms might be underpriced during peak demand periods, leaving money on the table, or overpriced during lulls, deterring potential guests. This vicious cycle of manual adjustments and missed opportunities ultimately erodes revenue.

The Solution: Embrace Automation – Your Productivity Power Tool

Automation is the key to liberating your commercial team from the shackles of manual tasks. By leveraging the right tools and technologies, you can streamline processes, reduce errors, and free up staff time for higher-value activities like:
  • Revenue Management Software: These sophisticated systems analyze vast amounts of data to optimize real-time pricing, ensuring you're always maximizing revenue potential.
  • Email Marketing Automation Platforms enable you to create personalized email campaigns triggered by specific guest behaviors or events, nurturing leads and driving conversions without manual intervention.
  • Chatbots: These AI-powered assistants can handle routine guest inquiries, freeing your staff to focus on complex issues and personalized service.
By embracing automation, you're saving time and investing in your team's ability to think strategically, innovate, and drive revenue growth. The manual tasks that once consumed their days can now be handled effortlessly in the background, leaving them free to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional guest experiences and maximizing your hotel's profitability.

Productivity Killer 3: Ineffective Meetings – The Time-Sucking Vortex

Meetings are a necessary evil in any organization, but they can morph into productivity black holes when poorly planned or excessive. Instead of fostering collaboration and driving decision-making, ineffective meetings become time-sucking vortexes that:
  • Disrupt Workflow: Pulling staff away from their tasks for unproductive meetings fragments their focus and hinders progress on critical projects.
  • Waste Time: Instead of spending hours in meandering discussions or listening to irrelevant updates, the commercial team can spend time on revenue-generating activities.
  • Demotivate Staff: When meetings consistently fail to achieve meaningful outcomes, employees lose faith in the process and become disengaged.

Real-World Example: The Revenue Strategy Meeting Morass

Picture a weekly revenue strategy meeting where the team discusses issues without resolution. The agenda is vague, attendees ramble off-topic, and the team postpones decisions indefinitely. Hours later, participants leave the meeting feeling drained and frustrated, with no apparent action plan. This is a classic example of a meeting that fails to produce results and actively hinders productivity.

The Solution: Meeting Makeover – Turning Time Wasters into Power Hours

Transforming ineffective meetings into productive power hours requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to structure. Here's how to give your meetings a makeover:
  1. Set Clear Objectives: Before scheduling a meeting, define its purpose and desired outcomes. What specific decisions must the team make? What information needs to be shared?
  2. Craft a Detailed Agenda: Circulate the agenda in advance, outlining topics, time allocations, and expected contributions from each participant.
  3. Invite Essential Participants Only: Avoid inviting people who don't have a direct stake in the meeting's outcomes. They can spend their time better elsewhere.
  4. Start and End on Time: Respect everyone's time by adhering to the schedule. Schedule a separate meeting with the relevant parties if a topic requires further discussion.
  5. Facilitate Focused Discussion: Keep conversations on track, redirecting tangents and discouraging grandstanding. Encourage concise, actionable contributions.
  6. Assign Action Items: Conclude each meeting with a list of clear action items, assigning responsibility and deadlines to ensure follow-through.
  7. Evaluate and Iterate: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your meetings. Gather feedback from participants and make adjustments as needed.
Implementing these simple yet powerful strategies can transform meetings from dreaded time-wasters into valuable collaboration, decision-making, and productivity opportunities. Your team will thank you, and your hotel's bottom line will reap the rewards.

Productivity Killer 4: Lack of Clear Goals and Performance Metrics – The Compassless Voyage

Imagine setting sail on a grand voyage without a map or compass. You might have a general sense of where you want to go, but without a clear destination and waypoints to track your progress, you're likely to drift aimlessly, wasting time and resources.
The same principle applies to hotel commercial departments. Without clearly defined goals and measurable performance metrics, teams lack direction, focus, and accountability, leading to:
  • Misaligned Efforts: Individuals and departments may work hard, but their efforts might not be aligned with the hotel's overall revenue objectives.
  • Lack of Accountability: Without goals, holding anyone accountable for underperformance or celebrating successes is problematic.
  • Wasted Resources: Campaigns and initiatives must be measured to determine their worth. Deciding if they're worth the investment is impossible without a way to measure their impact.
  • Underperformance: Without a target to aim for, teams may settle for mediocrity, missing out on opportunities for growth and improvement.

Real-World Example: The KPI-Less Marketing Campaign

Consider a marketing team that launches a series of social media campaigns without defining specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). They might see an uptick in engagement or follower count. Still, it's impossible to determine if the campaigns drive revenue without tracking metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, or direct bookings. The team might celebrate a "successful" campaign that, in reality, had little impact on the bottom line.

The Solution: SMART Goals – Your Roadmap to Success

The answer to this lack of direction is the SMART goal framework:
  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve. Instead of "increase website traffic," aim to "increase website traffic from organic search by 15% in the next quarter."
  • Measurable: Establish concrete metrics to track progress. Use tools like Google Analytics, CRM software, and revenue management systems to gather data and monitor performance.
  • Achievable: Set challenging yet realistic goals based on your team's capabilities and resources.
  • Relevant: Ensure that your goals align with the broader objectives of the hotel and the commercial department.
  • Time-Bound: Establish deadlines for achieving your goals, creating a sense of urgency and focus.
Setting SMART goals for each department and individual provides a clear roadmap for success. Regularly tracking performance against these goals lets you identify what's working and what's not and make data-driven adjustments to your strategies. This approach fosters accountability, promotes continuous improvement, and ultimately drives revenue growth for your hotel.

Productivity Killer 5: Insufficient Training and Skill Development – The Stagnation Trap

The hospitality industry is constantly evolving. New technologies emerge, guest expectations shift, and market trends fluctuate. In this dynamic landscape, ongoing training and skill development are not just "nice-to-haves" but essential investments in your commercial team's productivity.
When hotels neglect training, your staff becomes ill-equipped to:
  • Adapt to Change: New technologies or market shifts can leave untrained employees feeling overwhelmed and unable to perform their roles effectively.
  • Embrace New Tools: Sophisticated software or platforms can become expensive paperweights if staff lacks the training to use them to their full potential.
  • Maximize Potential: Without growth opportunities, employees may become stagnant, leading to decreased motivation, engagement, and, ultimately, productivity.

Real-World Example: The Sales Team's Upselling Struggle

Imagine a sales team that consistently struggles to sell higher-priced packages or add-ons. They might lack the confidence to articulate the value proposition, the negotiation skills to overcome objections, or the product knowledge to upsell effectively. This missed opportunity to generate additional revenue directly impacts the hotel's bottom line.

The Solution: Invest in Continuous Learning – Your Growth Engine

The antidote to stagnation is a commitment to continuous learning and development. By investing in your team's skills and knowledge, you empower them to:
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Regular training ensures your staff is up-to-date on the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices.
  • Enhance Performance: Targeted training programs can address specific skill gaps, boosting individual performance and overall team productivity.
  • Increase Engagement: Employees who feel supported in their professional development are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and committed to their roles.

Here's how to create a culture of learning within your commercial department:

  • Formal Training Programs: Invest in structured training programs that cover relevant topics like sales techniques, digital marketing, revenue management, and customer service.
  • Industry Conferences and Workshops: Encourage staff to attend industry events to network, learn from experts, and stay abreast of the latest trends.
  • Mentorship and Coaching: Pair experienced employees with newer hires to foster knowledge sharing and skill development.
  • Online Courses and Resources: Provide access to online learning platforms that offer a wide range of self-paced courses and resources.
  • Internal Knowledge Sharing: Encourage team members to share their expertise and insights through presentations, workshops, or informal discussions.
By fostering a culture of continuous learning, you're not just investing in your team – you're investing in your hotel's future. Empowered, skilled, and knowledgeable employees drive innovation, growth, and sustained profitability.

Conclusion: Unlocking Your Commercial Team's Full Potential – And Boosting Your Bottom Line

Maximizing revenue is a constant pursuit for your commercial department, the engine of your revenue generation, and holds the key to unlocking untapped potential. But to achieve peak performance, it's crucial to identify and neutralize the productivity killers that lurk beneath the surface.
In this post, we've explored five common culprits:
  1. Disconnected Systems and Data Silos: Break down these barriers with integrated systems that streamline communication and centralize guest data.
  2. Manual, Repetitive Tasks: Embrace automation tools to free up your team's time for strategic initiatives and high-value activities.
  3. Ineffective Meetings: Transform meetings into productive power hours with clear objectives, structured agendas, and focused discussions.
  4. Lack of Clear Goals and Performance Metrics: Set SMART goals and track performance regularly to ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives.
  5. Insufficient Training and Skill Development: Invest in continuous learning to empower your team with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a dynamic industry.
Addressing these productivity killers head-on can create a more efficient, collaborative, and results-oriented commercial department. Your team will be better equipped to identify and capitalize on revenue opportunities, deliver exceptional guest experiences, and, ultimately, drive the success of your hotel.

The Potential Impact: Real Numbers

To put this into perspective, let's consider a hypothetical scenario: a hotel with a six-person commercial team generating $10 million in annual revenue. If each person works 1,800 hours per year, their current productivity per worked hour is $925.93.
Imagine if this team could eliminate even a fraction of their wasted time and effort. By streamlining processes, automating tasks, and improving collaboration, they could quickly boost their productivity by 10%, 20%, or even more. Considering that an increase in revenue typically converts 70-90% to profit, this translates into a substantial increase in profitability without adding any additional staff.
For example, a 10% increase in productivity would result in an additional $1 million in revenue per year, a significant portion of which would flow directly to the bottom line. That's the power of eliminating productivity killers.

Take Action Today

Take a moment to assess your operations. Are any of these productivity killers hindering your commercial team's performance? If so, don't hesitate to take action. The rewards of a more productive team are well worth the investment. Remember, in the world of hotel revenue generation, every minute counts.