Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

Cut Through the Hype: Practical Strategies to Use AI in Hotels

Written by Anders Johansson | 07 May 2024
This blog post will provide a practical roadmap to cut through the noise and deliver clear guidance. We will discuss the foundational improvements required before Artificial Intelligence (AI) can fulfill its promises and how to match your hotel's unique needs with the right AI solutions. Whether managing a boutique property or a large chain, we will help you identify where AI can be used strategically to optimize operations, delight guests, and thrive in this increasingly digital world.

Leveraging AI to Enhance Guest Experience and Revenue

In the hospitality industry, the guest experience is paramount. It impacts direct revenue streams through premium services and influences secondary revenue through positive reviews and referrals. AI technology is crucial in orchestrating this experience, ensuring it meets and exceeds guest expectations. Here's how AI can be strategically employed to achieve this:

Personalizing Guest Interactions

Personalization is critical to enhancing guest satisfaction. AI can tailor the guest experience from the moment of booking. By analyzing past behavior and preferences, AI can offer personalized room choices, special amenities, and customized welcome messages. During the stay, AI-powered systems can suggest activities, restaurants, and services that align with the guest's interests. A curated stay improves the guest experience and encourages on-site spending. Importantly, personalizing the offer for each guest enables pricing for each guest. This approach is distinct from dynamic pricing; rather than adjusting the general price for everyone, it tailors pricing strategies to individual preferences and willingness to pay, maximizing guest satisfaction and revenue opportunities.

But Without Quality Data, Personalizing the Experience Is Impossible

While personalizing guest interactions using AI offers significant advantages, many hotels face challenges implementing this strategy due to insufficient data or poor data quality. To overcome these hurdles, here are seven practical steps and considerations for gathering and utilizing guest data responsibly and effectively:
  1. Booking Process: During the reservation process, guests can be prompted to provide preferences regarding room type, dietary restrictions, reason for travel (business, leisure, event), and any special requests. This information serves as an initial data set to customize pre-arrival communication and the guest's experience from arrival.
  2. Pre-Arrival Communication: Hotels can send pre-arrival emails or SMS messages inviting guests to customize their stay further. Messages might include choosing pillow types, setting room temperature preferences, or even selecting what kind of drinks or snacks they would prefer in their room. Mobile apps can also facilitate this interaction, providing a convenient platform for guests to communicate their preferences.
  3. During Stay: In the future, hotels could use IoT devices like smart thermostats and speakers to discreetly gather data on guests' preferences for in-room temperature and multimedia use. This technology would allow AI to analyze these preferences in real time to subtly enhance the guest's experience by adjusting environmental settings to their comfort or suggesting activities, spa services, or dining options that align with their observed preferences. Such advancements would enhance comfort and convenience, ensuring that the hotel handles data with respect for privacy and guest discretion.
  4. Loyalty Programs: Enrollment in loyalty programs can be a rich data source, tracking guests' behaviors, preferences, and transaction histories over multiple stays. Data from loyalty programs is particularly valuable for AI systems to identify patterns and predict future preferences.
  5. Feedback and Surveys: Post-stay surveys and feedback tools could become even more instrumental in enhancing the guest experience. These tools help gather insights into what guests enjoyed most and least about their stay, providing crucial input on areas needing improvement. This feedback can help the AI system refine future recommendations and personalizations and inform hotel management about necessary operational adjustments and enhancements. Hotels can ensure their services evolve to meet and exceed guest expectations by continuously integrating feedback.
  6. Social Media and Online Behavior: With the guest's permission, hotels could integrate data from social media platforms into their Property Management Systems (PMS) guest profiles. However, few, if any, PMSs can add social media links to guest profiles. Social media data could provide deeper insights into guests' likes, dislikes, and lifestyle choices. AI can utilize this information to better understand guest needs and expectations, tailoring marketing messages, special offers, and on-site experiences that resonate more deeply with individual guests. This targeted approach enhances the guest experience and boosts engagement and satisfaction.
  7. Integration with External Services: Partnering with external services such as dining reservation platforms, event ticketing, or local attractions can significantly enhance the personalization of guest experiences. Hotels can offer personalized recommendations and facilitate bookings directly through these platforms. However, it's important to note that while this is a great idea, it is currently highly unlikely to be widely implemented due to limitations in existing systems and internet booking engines, which cannot often seamlessly integrate such diverse services. Overcoming these integration challenges is essential for realizing the full potential of personalized guest experiences.
Ethical Considerations and Data Privacy: As data collection intensifies, particularly with sensitive or personal information, it's paramount to prioritize guest privacy and data security. Compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA is critical, as is transparent communication with guests about what data the hotel collects and how the hotel uses and shares the data. Hoteliers must clearly explain the benefits of providing access to personal data and preferences; this transparency can help guests understand that sharing their data allows the hotel to better customize their stay and overall experience, meeting and exceeding their expectations. Guests should be able to opt out of data collection processes they are uncomfortable with, and their preferences should be respected and adhered to across all touchpoints.
By effectively and ethically managing these data streams, AI can enable highly personalized guest experiences that foster greater loyalty and satisfaction, demonstrating the tangible benefits of thoughtful data use.

Concluding Thoughts on Personalization and Data Quality

Personalization is undeniably crucial to enhancing guest satisfaction in the hospitality industry and represents the future of how hotels will interact with their guests. However, the effectiveness of AI in personalizing the guest experience hinges critically on the quality of data available. Currently, the data quality in many hotels is far below what is needed for AI to function optimally. Vendors who claim to offer deep personalization capabilities without first addressing the underlying data quality issues may not be able to deliver on their promises. Hotels need to recognize this gap and proactively improve their data management practices. Until the hotel has solved the data quality issue, implementing AI for guest personalization will likely not yield the expected benefits, and the industry will struggle to improve guest satisfaction through personalization. Hotels must prioritize upgrading their data quality to harness AI's power and deliver a personalized experience that meets modern guest expectations.

Leveraging AI to Enhance Productivity

AI technology can transform service delivery within the hospitality industry by automating routine tasks and utilizing predictive analytics to anticipate generic guest needs. Here are two key ways AI enhances guest interactions and internal operations.

Enhancing the Generic Guest Experience and Productivity

AI can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of the guest experience, even when personalized data is not fully available. Here's how AI enhances generic service delivery.

Chatbots and virtual assistants will learn

  • Automated Customer Service: AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can handle numerous routine guest inquiries and bookings without human intervention, ensuring quick responses around the clock. In the short term, chatbots and virtual assistants can enhance guest satisfaction by providing instant assistance and allowing staff to focus on more complex issues that require personal attention. As chatbots and virtual assistants continue to improve, hotels may need fewer staff members to handle these individual issues, resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings.

Predictive Guest Management

Using AI to predict common guest needs based on time of day, occupancy rates, and seasonal trends can help preemptively manage guest services. Still, setting realistic expectations about what AI can achieve is essential. While predicting meal times—like expecting breakfast demand in the morning—might seem straightforward and hardly require advanced technology, AI's value lies in refining these predictions and adapting to less predictable fluctuations.
  • Refining Predictions: While any hotelier can anticipate basic scheduling with common sense, AI can detect subtler patterns that may not be immediately obvious. For example, it can adjust predictions based on unusual booking patterns, such as a surge in guests with children during school holidays, which might increase early morning and early evening dining needs.
  • Immediate Scheduling Outputs: Perhaps AI's most significant advantage in this context is not the complexity of the predictions but the speed and efficiency with which it can process data and provide outputs. Hotels can significantly benefit from AI's ability to quickly generate staff schedules, adapt to last-minute guest numbers or preference changes, and manage resources more dynamically. This immediacy reduces the administrative burden and allows management to focus on proactive guest service rather than reactive planning.
  • Operational Efficiency: By automating the scheduling process and quickly adapting to real-time data, AI helps hotels optimize their staffing and resources. Proper staffing ensures that the hotel is neither overstaffed during slow periods nor understaffed when unexpectedly busy, leading to cost savings and improved service quality.
By leveraging AI for these nuanced and dynamic adjustments, hotels can enhance operational efficiency and guest satisfaction, even if the foundational tasks seem elementary. The power of AI lies in its ability to manage these tasks at scale and with precision, reducing the load on human planners and allowing them to focus on enhancing the guest experience in other, more personalized ways.

Eliminating Waste in Internal Processes

AI's role extends beyond guest-facing services; it also streamlines internal operations, significantly reducing waste and enhancing productivity.

Optimized Resource Management

AI's capability to analyze usage patterns and optimize inventory and resource allocation is particularly advantageous for large hotels, where the scale of operations can make manual management cumbersome and inefficient. AI systems can predict optimal stock levels of linens, minibar items, and other consumables, significantly reducing waste and storage costs. For example, by analyzing past usage data, AI can forecast increased demand for certain items during peak seasons or special events, ensuring the hotel is well-prepared without excessive overstocking.
However, the benefits of such optimization might be less pronounced in smaller hotels, where the scale of resources and variability in guest behavior make just-in-time inventory management less feasible. In these settings, the unpredictability of guest needs can make a slight overstocking of essentials like linens and towels prudent to ensure quality service. Moreover, experienced housekeeping managers in smaller establishments often intuitively manage these aspects efficiently, diminishing the impact of AI-driven optimizations.
In either case, while AI provides a powerful tool for resource management, hotels must consider their specific operational context to determine the extent of AI integration. For larger hotels, AI can bring significant efficiencies and cost savings. For smaller hotels, blending AI insights with the expertise of seasoned staff can help fine-tune inventory practices, striking a balance between efficiency and readiness to meet guest needs.

Automated Reporting and Analytics

AI tools offer the potential to automate the generation of performance reports, financial analytics, and compliance documentation, freeing management from mundane tasks and improving accuracy. Less manual routines allow hoteliers to focus more on strategic decision-making. However, many hotels rely heavily on manual data compilation and reporting processes, often using spreadsheets like Excel. This manual approach causes critical information to be delayed by days or even weeks, leading to missed opportunities for timely corrections and adjustments.
It's essential to recognize that AI is not a magic formula for fixing these inefficiencies. Before introducing AI, hotels must design streamlined data processes and implement greater automation to ensure the timely collection and compilation of data. This foundational step is crucial to eliminating delays and improving data quality.
Once efficient processes are in place, AI can add significant value by interpreting data and generating comprehensive reports. For instance, it can assist non-financial experts in the hospitality industry by presenting insights in a more accessible and actionable manner. With AI's help, management can quickly identify trends, flag issues, and make strategic decisions to optimize revenue and enhance guest satisfaction.

Energy Management

AI promises to significantly improve energy efficiency by enabling intelligent systems to automatically adjust heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and lighting based on occupancy and weather conditions. Optimizing energy consumption can substantially reduce energy costs while ensuring guest comfort.
However, becoming more "green" is challenging for many hotels because it often requires significant investments, particularly for older buildings. These buildings usually have outdated heating, ventilation, and lighting systems incompatible with modern energy management solutions. Therefore, the first step is upgrading these foundational systems to ensure compatibility with contemporary energy-efficient technologies.
Once these upgrades are in place, hotels can integrate AI into advanced energy management. For instance, automation can adjust energy consumption based on the number of guests, guest flows, and weather conditions, optimizing HVAC and lighting usage. Controlling energy consumption leads to substantial cost savings over time, enhances the hotel's environmental footprint, and aligns with modern sustainability goals.
By thoughtfully investing in infrastructure improvements before implementing AI, hotels can maximize the return on their technology investments and significantly improve their energy management practices.

Conclusion and Takeaways

The potential of AI to transform hotel management and guest experience is undeniably exciting, but it's essential to approach implementation with a clear understanding of its challenges and limitations. For AI to be truly effective, hotels must first address foundational issues like data quality, internal process efficiency, and technological infrastructure.

Key Takeaways

  1. Data Quality is Paramount: AI cannot deliver meaningful personalization or actionable insights without reliable data. Hotels must prioritize data integrity across all touchpoints to ensure the information fed into AI systems is accurate and comprehensive.
  2. Internal Process Optimization: Before considering AI tools, hotels should streamline their processes and automate routine tasks. Efficient processes enable AI to interpret and respond to data more effectively, providing valuable insights and predictions.
  3. Technological Modernization: Older buildings may require significant investment to upgrade HVAC and other systems before hotels can integrate AI for advanced energy management and automation.
  4. AI Potential Varies by Hotel Size: Smaller hotels may see limited returns from AI, as their operational scale makes sophisticated automation less impactful. Larger hotels, however, can realize more significant benefits due to the scale of operations, resource management challenges, and diverse guest profiles.
  5. Strategic Planning is Essential: Understanding AI's potential is crucial to shaping an effective adoption strategy. Whether to enhance the guest experience, reduce costs, or optimize resources, hotels must align AI applications with their unique business model and goals.
By fixing foundational issues and strategically planning for AI adoption, hotels can harness the technology's full potential, delivering highly personalized services and streamlined operations that will set them apart from their competition.