Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

Proactive Business Risk Management in Hotels

Written by Anders Johansson | 27 February 2024
Proactive risk management is not a luxury but a necessity for hotels. Hotels can safeguard their financial stability, protect their reputation, and optimize their operations through strategic identification, assessment, and mitigation of these business risks. These proactive approaches ultimately translate into business resilience and long-term success within the dynamic hospitality landscape. Let's start by looking into different types of risks.

Key Areas of Business Risk in Hotels

The business of hospitality is multifaceted, and so are the risks involved. Let's break down the key areas where business risks can emerge in hotels.

Market and Economic Risks

  • Seasonality and fluctuations in demand: Hotels often experience varying occupancy levels based on season, local events, or unexpected shifts in travel trends. Difficulty forecasting demand and adjusting operations accordingly can strain resources and impact revenue.
  • Competition from other hotels and alternative lodging options: The rise of short-term rentals, boutique hotels, and alternative accommodation models increases market competition. Hotels must consistently differentiate themselves and offer value to stay ahead.
  • Economic downturns and recessions: Economic slowdowns inevitably lead to reduced travel and impact hotel revenue streams. Having strategies in place to weather economic uncertainty is essential.
  • Changing consumer preferences and expectations: Guest expectations regarding technology, amenities, experiences, and sustainability are constantly evolving. Hotels must stay attuned to these shifts to remain relevant and competitive.

Reputational Risks

  • Negative online reviews and social media mentions: In the digital age, negative guest reviews and complaints on social media can spread widely and quickly, damaging a hotel's reputation and deterring potential customers.
  • Data breaches and cybersecurity incidents: The hospitality industry handles sensitive guest information. Any compromise of data security can lead to a loss of trust, legal penalties, and damage to the hotel's brand.
  • Poor customer service experiences: Even isolated incidents of poor service can become amplified online. Consistently failing to meet guest expectations undermines customer loyalty and brand perception.
  • Ethical/legal/compliance issues: Scandals, legal violations, or unethical practices severely tarnish a hotel's reputation, potentially leading to boycotts, regulatory fines, and loss of business.

Operational Risks

  • Inefficient processes and resource management: Poorly defined workflows, inadequate technology, and improper allocation of staff or supplies can lead to increased costs, service delays, and frustrated guests.
  • Staff shortages and turnover: High turnover rates within the hospitality industry cause operational strain, increase training costs, and negatively impact service quality. Difficulty in attracting and retaining qualified staff can hinder a hotel's ability to perform optimally.
  • Supply chain disruptions: Issues with suppliers, price fluctuations, or delays in delivering goods and services can create operational bottlenecks, impacting everything from food and beverage offerings to maintenance tasks.
  • Disasters and emergencies (e.g., natural disasters, pandemics): Unexpected events like severe weather, fires, or health crises can cause significant damage, business closures, and safety concerns. Failure to plan for such emergencies can amplify the negative impact on operations.

Financial Risks

  • Revenue management challenges: Optimizing room rates, managing distribution channels, and forecasting demand are complex tasks that directly impact a hotel's bottom line. Inadequate revenue management can lead to lost profit opportunities.
  • Cost control: Managing operating costs, from labor to utilities and supplies, is essential for maintaining profitability. Ineffective cost control can erode margins and put hotels at a financial disadvantage.
  • Investment decisions and capital expenditures: Hotels must make strategic decisions about renovations, technology upgrades, and expansion projects. Careful assessment of the potential return on investment (ROI) and long-term financial implications is crucial.
  • Debt and liquidity issues: Managing debt levels and ensuring sufficient cash flow to meet financial obligations is critical. Hotels with high debt or liquidity problems may face difficulty securing funding or meeting operational needs.

Identifying Early-Warning KPIs

Identifying early warning KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) is crucial to proactive risk management. Here are some KPIs hotels could monitor, broken down by the outlined risk categories.

Market and Economic Risks

  • Declining Occupancy Rates: Consistently falling occupancy relative to previous years or competitor benchmarks is a warning sign of reduced demand or shifts in the market.
  • ADR (Average Daily Rate) Declines: Difficulty maintaining room prices might indicate increased competition or a need to adjust your pricing strategy.
  • Web Traffic and Direct Booking Trends: Significant decreases in website traffic or a decline in direct bookings could point to problems with your marketing efforts or the desirability of your offerings.

Reputational Risks

  • Negative Review Trends: An uptick in negative online reviews or a decline in overall ratings warrants investigating the root cause of guest dissatisfaction.
  • Social Media Sentiment: Tracking the overall sentiment towards your hotel on social platforms can reveal emerging reputational issues.
  • Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Declining employee morale can often translate into poor guest service and a risk to your brand image.

Operational Risks

  • Staff Turnover: A significant increase in staff turnover could point to issues affecting operations, such as inadequate compensation, poor management, or a negative work environment.
  • Guest Incident Reports: A rise in reported accidents, injuries, or complaints signals potential safety or service issues that need addressing.
  • Maintenance Backlog: Growing delays in equipment repairs or preventative maintenance could lead to breakdowns and operational disruptions.
  • Supply Chain Delays: Consistent delivery delays or increased backorders might indicate supplier issues or the need to diversify your supply chain.

Financial Risks

  • Rising Expense Ratios: Increases in costs for labor, supplies, or utilities relative to revenue might necessitate cost control measures or pricing adjustments.
  • Days Sales Outstanding (DSO): An increase in the average time it takes to collect guest payments could signal potential cash flow issues.
  • RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room): A decline in this critical metric highlights the need for a deeper analysis of revenue management strategies or operational efficiency.
Important Notes:
  • KPIs should be tailored to your hotel's size, location, and target market.
  • Establish benchmarks and thresholds for triggering alerts when KPIs deviate significantly from the norm.
  • Encourage a culture of data-driven decision-making, empowering staff to monitor these metrics and raise concerns early on.

Setting Thresholds

Setting thresholds for your early warning KPIs is essential for triggering timely action. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Determine Baseline Performance

  • Gather historical KPI data over a significant period (ideally, at least one year).
  • Analyze the data to identify typical ranges and fluctuations in each KPI.
  • Establish average values to serve as your baseline.

2. Set Warning and Critical Thresholds

  • Warning Threshold: This is when a KPI deviates enough from your baseline to raise a flag for closer monitoring. It indicates a potential emerging risk.
  • Critical Threshold: This is where immediate action is required to address a significant risk that could have serious consequences.

Example: Occupancy Rates

  • Baseline: Your hotel's average occupancy rate for the past year is 75%.
  • Warning Threshold: Occupancy falls below 65% for two consecutive weeks.
  • Critical Threshold: Occupancy falls below 50% for any extended period.

3. Factors to Consider When Setting Thresholds

  • Industry benchmarks: Research industry-standard thresholds for comparison.
  • Seasonality: Account for expected fluctuations based on the time of year.
  • Risk appetite: Your hotel's acceptable risk level will influence how aggressively you set thresholds.

4. Implementing Action Plans

  • For each KPI, tie specific action plans to warning and critical thresholds.
  • These plans might include:
    • Conducting further analysis
    • Notifying relevant stakeholders
    • Implementing mitigation strategies
    • Activating contingency plans
  • Communicate thresholds and action plans across relevant departments.

Additional Considerations

  • Regularly review and adjust thresholds as market conditions or your hotel's performance change.
  • Utilize KPI tracking software to automate monitoring and trigger alerts.
Note: Setting thresholds is an iterative process. Start with conservative estimates and adjust as you gain more data and experience.

Likelihood of risks

Assessing the likelihood of a risk occurring is critical to risk management. Here's how hotels can approach this.

Methods for Assessing Risk Likelihood

  1. Qualitative Assessment:
  • Using experience and judgment to assign a general probability level to each risk:
    • Highly likely: Risk is almost certain to occur.
    • Likely: High probability of occurrence.
    • Possible: Risk could occur under certain circumstances.
    • Unlikely: Low probability, but still a possibility.
    • Highly Unlikely: Probability is extremely low.
  1. Quantitative Assessment:
  • Assigning numerical values or percentages to represent the probability of occurrence.
  • This method requires more data and might be used for risks with significant potential impact.
  1. Risk Matrix:
  • A visual tool that combines likelihood (on one axis) with the severity of impact (on the other axis).
  • Risks are plotted on the matrix to help visualize and prioritize those posing the highest threat.

Example: Assessing the Likelihood of a Supply Chain Disruption

  • Qualitative: Based on experience and recent news about global logistics issues, you might assess the risk as "Likely."
  • Quantitative: If you have data on supplier delays, you could calculate a 60% chance of a significant disruption in the next six months.
  • Risk Matrix: You map the risk's potential impact (high due to reliance on a few suppliers) and likelihood on the matrix, indicating the need for urgent mitigation strategies.

Factors Influencing Risk Likelihood

  • Historical data: Past occurrences of similar risks in your hotel or the industry.
  • Current trends: Economic indicators, competitor activity, or evolving guest preferences.
  • Expert opinions: Consult with industry advisors or risk management specialists.
  • Vulnerability assessment: Analyze weaknesses in your operations that could increase susceptibility to certain risks.

Important Notes

  • Risk likelihood assessment is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. Adjust assessments as circumstances change.
  • Involve staff from different departments to get diverse perspectives on risk likelihood.

Managing Preparedness

While risk minimization is essential, overemphasizing it can sometimes lead to a false sense of security. Shifting some focus towards managing preparedness ensures your hotel is better positioned to handle unexpected events, even those perceived as unlikely.
Here's how to approach preparedness-focused risk management.

1. Prioritize High-Impact Risks

While all identified risks warrant consideration, prioritize those that could severely impact operations, reputation, or financial health, even if they seem less likely.

2. Develop Robust Contingency Plans

Go beyond simple mitigation strategies. Design detailed plans outlining:
  • Emergency response procedures: Evacuation plans, communication protocols, first-aid, and safety measures.
  • Resource allocation: Identifying critical resources, backup systems, and alternative supply sources.
  • Communication plans: Internal communication with staff and external communication with guests, stakeholders, media, etc.

3. Conduct Training and Drills

Ensure that plans don't just exist on paper. Conduct:
  • Staff training: Educate staff on emergency procedures, crisis communication protocols, and their roles in a crisis.
  • Simulations and exercises: Test plans under pressure to identify gaps and refine procedures.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Work with emergency services or external specialists to improve response coordination.

4. Invest in Resilience

Preparedness requires proactive investments:
  • Redundant systems: Backup generators, alternative communication channels, or diversified supply chains reduce vulnerability.
  • Technology solutions: Early warning systems, data backup, crisis management software.
  • Business continuity insurance: Consider coverage for potential disruptions and recovery costs.

5. Encourage a Culture of Preparedness

  • Empower staff: Encourage staff to identify potential risks and proactively suggest solutions.
  • Open communication: Create channels for reporting concerns and sharing lessons learned.
  • Continuous improvement: Update plans and procedures based on exercises, feedback, and changing circumstances.
Example: Preparing for a Natural Disaster
  • Identified Risk: Your hotel is in an area prone to hurricanes (relatively low likelihood, but high potential impact)
  • Preparedness Actions:
    • Develop detailed hurricane evacuation and safety procedures.
    • Invest in storm shutters and backup generators.
    • Partner with local disaster relief organizations.
    • Conduct staff training and emergency drills.

Benefits of a Preparedness Focus

  • Minimizes damage and disruption when risks materialize.
  • Protects guests and staff's well-being.
  • Projects a sense of competence and control during a crisis, preserving reputation.
  • Facilitates a faster and more effective recovery.
Remember: Preparedness is an investment, not just an expense. By fostering a proactive preparedness mindset, hotels can significantly improve their ability to handle the unexpected and emerge stronger.

Conclusion and takeaways

The ever-changing hospitality landscape presents hotels with various risks that demand careful attention. While it's impossible to eliminate all risks, a proactive approach to risk management is essential for thriving in a dynamic industry. By strategically identifying potential threats, assessing their likelihood, and developing detailed contingency plans, hotels can navigate challenges and safeguard their operations, reputation, and financial well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Risk management is an ongoing process: Continuously assess, analyze, and adjust your strategies in response to changing market conditions and emerging threats.
  • A focus on preparedness pays dividends: Don't just attempt to minimize risk. Invest in resilient systems, thorough training, and contingency plans to handle unexpected events effectively.
  • Utilize data and KPIs: Establish baselines, set thresholds, and track key performance indicators to identify early warning signs of potential problems.
  • Encourage a collaborative approach: Involve staff from all levels in identifying risks, developing plans, and fostering a culture of preparedness.
The journey towards comprehensive risk management might seem daunting, but the rewards are well worth it. By embracing the strategies outlined in this blog post, hotels can build resilience, protect their reputation, and achieve long-term success.
Call to Action: Start your risk management journey today! Consider conducting a basic risk assessment for your hotel or department.