Demand Calendar Blog by Anders Johansson

The Revenue Manager is My Hero

Written by Anders Johansson | 17 September 2024
Here is a story that gives an authentic look into the life of a revenue manager. They juggle many systems and handle intense pressure from asset managers every day. Their bosses may not always notice their hard work, but it makes a difference in every part of the business and every dollar earned.

The telephone rings...

It's the asset manager, and they need more information before Monday's meeting. "I need a comprehensive analysis of our revenue streams for the past quarter. We're falling behind projections, and the owner wants a plan to get us back on track. We need actionable insights, not just numbers."
As the revenue manager (RM) hangs up, a familiar feeling washes over her—pressure. She's been through this before piecing together scattered data from multiple systems, manually building reports, and struggling to tell the whole story of the hotel's performance. This weekend would be consumed by spreadsheets, late nights, and frustration. But this time feels different. It's not just a task—it's a test.
She gazes across her desk, now cluttered with stacks of documents and multiple screens displaying data from various systems. The Property Management System (PMS) tells one part of the story: occupancy rates, room types, and cancellations. The Revenue Management System (RMS) holds forecasts and pricing models. Meanwhile, the Point-of-Sale (POS) system offers insight into food and beverage sales, and event management software provides another piece of the puzzle with conference revenue and group bookings. It's like trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle, but none seem to fit together.

"Where do I even start?"

The RM sits down, feeling the weight of responsibility. She knows the asset manager will expect an in-depth analysis of room revenue, total guest spending, F&B performance, and the impact of upcoming events. She needs to see how each revenue stream interacts with the others and come up with a plan to increase profitability.
She begins her work by diving deep into the separate reports but quickly becomes overwhelmed by the sheer amount of manual effort required to create a cohesive picture. Pulling numbers from different systems, reconciling discrepancies, and trying to identify trends feels like a never-ending battle. Time seems to slip away faster with every new data point she tries to organize.
Hours pass, and the clock ticks louder as her weekend workload grows heavier. Frustration begins to build. There must be a better way. A solution that doesn't require piecing together disjointed data points for hours on end.

The Promise to Herself: There Must Be a Better Way

With a sigh, the RM leans back in her chair, staring at the screen. This process is unsustainable. The hotel's profitability and her own sanity depend on finding a faster and more effective way to gather insights. Deep down, she knows there is a solution—a business intelligence (BI) tool that can collect and analyze data automatically, producing real-time insights without manual labor.
She promises herself, "This is the last time I will do this work manually. I will go to the asset manager on Monday, not just with the analysis but with a proposal for change."
She imagines how things could be different. With the right BI tool, all the PMS, RMS, POS, and event systems data would be consolidated in one place. There would be no more digging through reports, manual reconciliations, or disjointed insights. Instead, the hotel could have real-time data that is instantly available and easy to analyze.
With that vision in mind, she returns to her work, motivated by the possibility of change.

Collaboration is Key: Engaging the Whole Team

As the RM builds her report, she knows this isn't just her battle. The success of any revenue strategy depends on collaboration with the entire hotel team. She picks up the phone and calls the general manager (GM).
"We need to align on strategy," she says. "To drive revenue, I need your support with the asset manager and ownership. I also need to ensure sales and marketing align with what we're doing on the revenue side."
The GM agrees that successful revenue management isn't just about filling rooms but maximizing total guest spending. The RM then contacts the sales and marketing team to discuss upcoming promotions and pricing strategies, ensuring they align with market demand. Next, she connects with operations to get insights on guest preferences and feedback, ensuring revenue strategies resonate with customer experiences. Finally, she brings in the finance team to dive deeper into cost structures, helping her refine pricing decisions based on profitability analysis.
By collaborating with these key stakeholders, she can develop a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of the hotel's revenue streams, ensuring that every department moves in the same direction.

Monday: The Hero Delivers

Monday arrives, and the meeting with the asset manager will take place. Armed with her hard-earned report, the RM walks into the room. She has analyzed the data, identified trends, and developed a clear action plan. But she's not stopping there. She knows this is her moment to push for the future.
After presenting her findings, she looks directly at the asset manager.
"There's something else we need to discuss," she confidently says. "This report was a challenge to put together. Our systems are fragmented, making accessing the insights we need quickly tricky. To grow our revenue and maximize profits, we must invest in a BI tool that consolidates all our data and gives us real-time insights. A BI tool will save us time, improve decision-making, and ultimately increase profitability."
The room is silent momentarily as the asset manager processes her words. Then, a nod of agreement.

The Future: A Data-Driven Hotel

With the asset manager's support, the RM has the green light to explore BI solutions. She knows that by eliminating manual data collection and automating insights, she can finally focus on what matters—driving revenue growth and capturing opportunities as they arise. No more endless weekends lost in spreadsheets. No more frustration.
From this point forward, the hotel will be a data-driven organization, and the RM will finally have the tools she needs to be the hero she was always meant to be.

The Revenue Manager—The True Hero of Hotel Profitability

The RM's story is one of perseverance, intelligence, and leadership. With the right tools and collaboration, she can guide the hotel toward greater profitability, becoming the hero who saves the day—not just for one report but for the business's long-term success.
So here's to the revenue managers, the unsung heroes behind every successful hotel. With the right BI tools at their disposal, they're not just managing rooms—they're driving the future of hospitality.