B2B CRM stands for Business to Business Customer Relationship Management and involves processes, strategies and systems. It’s about how the company manages their interaction with potential and existing customers. But more often CRM just refers to the actual system/software.
For many businesses it’s vital to invest in a system that can help to manage your relationships with potential and existing customers. There are many different CRM systems in the market which means you have a lot of options to choose from. However, few of them are adapted to the hotel business. When you invest in a new B2B CRM it’s important to make a list of what jobs within your sales processes the system should solve. Make sure you invest in a B2B CRM developed for hotels in order to boost your sales.
As mentioned earlier there are many different B2B CRM systems in the market. Most of them are developed to fit all types of business which means some important functions for the hotel industry may have been left out. We will list some suggestions of important aspects you should consider when to invest in a B2B CRM for hotels.
You should easily be able to handle data and information for all your properties in your CRM. Make sure consolidated reporting is possible.
Integration with your PMS is vital to eliminate manual administration. Data should automatically be transferred to your CRM such as new deals and customer production. Make sure the CRM is flexible so you have easy access to all different data components you want to see.
Automatically and accurately keep track of your production from all contracted customers. It should be easy to access data from your customers in your CRM. This is important to improve your contract management. Make sure the data is automatically transferred from your PMS to your CRM.
There are many benefits of using a CRM. Some of the benefits listed below:
Keep your customer and contact information stored in one place. Include information like address, contacts, connected companies, activities, deals and sales history. Improved contact management will give you a better structure and keep your customers happy.
Don’t base your sales on guessing. Focus on the most profitable customers that add the most total revenue for your hotel/hotels. This will increase your ROI. Quality data will give your team insights that trigger intelligent actions to improve the business.
Minimize administration work and spend more time selling. If you can spend less time wasting on manually pulling data from your PMS it’s a win for everybody. Don’t spend time on non-selling activities.
Set up goals and keep track of your performance. Tracking, leading and lagging indicators against targets will drive sales in hotels and reassure top management that sales is an important function in the commercial team.
If your sales people quits their job, all valuable information and data is stored in a system. Easy for the next person to continue the sales process. It will also make on-boarding for new salespeople easier and more efficient.
A modern seller needs to understand and use modern systems to perform better and win more deals. Not investing in a 2B2 CRM for hotels will result in missed opportunities, lost revenue and inefficient work.
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